Kinetic Reaction Mechanisms Heading link
Mueller et al Mechanism
The Mueller et al. mechanism is used to model laminar H2-Air flames. We have used Mueller et al. to compute the laminar flame speed from low to high pressures. The results have been confirmed by comparison with experimental data. In addition, we have used the Mueller et al. mechanism to simulate partially premixed flames for a large pressure range. The Mueller et al. mechanism is capable of reproducing the three reaction limits of H2-Air combustion.
(Link to file Mueller.txt)
M.A. Mueller, T.J. Kim, R.A. Yetter, F.L. Dryer, Int. J. Chem. Kinetics 31 (2) (1998) 113–125A. M. Briones, I. K. Puri, and S. K. Aggarwal, “Effect of Pressure on Counterflow H2-Air Partially Premixed Flames,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 140, pp. 46-59, 2005.
Li et al. Mechanism
The Li et al. mechanism is a revised version of the Mueller et al. mechanism. For more information
Li, J., Zhao, Z., Kazakov, A., and Dryer, F.L. “An Updated Comprehensive Kinetic Model for H2 Combustion”, Fall Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, Penn State University, University Park -
Dryer's Heptane Mechanism
The Held and Dryer mechanism is used to study the oxidation and emission characteristics of n-heptane flames. The original oxidation mechanism is coupled with the Li and Williams’ mechanism for NOx, and the complete mechanism consists of 54 species and 327 elementary reactions.The results were compared with experimental measurements as well as predictions using a more detailed Ranzi mechanism, which has 150 species and 3500 reactions. This mechanism saves a lot of computational time but still gives good comparable results, as far as most major species (e.g., CO, CO2, H2O, CH4 etc.), soot precursors like acetylene (C2H2) and NOx are concerned.
The mechanism also gives fairly accurate values of NO formed by the two separate mechanisms – prompt and thermal. It also gives fairly good estimate of minor species like CH and CH2 which play important roles in the determination of NOx formation routes.
(Link to Dryer_mod.txt)
Naha, S., and Aggarwal, S.K.: Fuel Effects on NOx Emissions in Partially Premixed Flames, Combustion and
Flame, Volume 139, Issues 1-2, October 2004, Pages 90-105 (Download PDF)Naha, S., Briones, A. M., and Aggarwal, S.K.: Effect of Fuel Blends on Pollutants Emissions in Flames, Combustion Science and Technology, Volume 177, Number 1, January 2005, Pages 183- 220
Kinetic Reaction Mechanisms Heading link
GRI-Mech 1.2
The GRI-Mech chemical kinetic mechanism is maintained at UC Berkly. There are three major revisions of GRI-Mech. The 3.0 release of GRI-Mech includes 325 reactions and 53 species and is the most recent revision of the mechanism. The 2.11 release containes 277 reactions and 49 species including NOx which was not present int the 1.2 release. The 1.2 release contains 175 reactions and 32 species. This release is commonly used because of its relatively small size and ability to accurately predict methane-air combustion when NOx prediction is not necessary.
NIST Halon1301 (CF3Br) Kinetic Mechanism
This mechanism predicts the chemical interaction of the Halon1301 fire suppressant with hydrocarbon fuels.